Excited for 2022 Season!

With the days getting longer and spring on the way, it’s time to think ahead to the 2022 Missoula Mammoths season!  Season planning has started, and things are looking amazing for this year!

  • If your athlete will be new to the team in 2022, keep an eye on the Schedule page as well as this News section to get updates on how and when to register.
  • NEW FOR ALL ATHLETES IN 2022: We have a new Missoula Mammoths Team Expectations document. This is designed to help current and prospective team members understand the basic expectations and costs. Download here: 2022 Mammoths Team Expectations
  • If you had a student-athlete on the team during the 2021 season, please keep an eye on your email for information and invites from PitZone! Make sure those emails are not being eaten by spam filters, seriously.
  • For information on our general schedule, including tentative or firmed up dates on registration, practice, and races, please visit the Schedule page.
  • To reach out with questions that aren’t answered yet elsewhere, please email us here.

This website is used for general information about the team only- once the season starts, we will communicate all the day-to-day information via PitZone email and TeamSnap. This allows us to streamline communications and ensure all athletes and parents get the information they need in a timely fashion.

Stay off the muddy trails for now- but see you on the dry dirt soon enough!

Thanks for a great 2021 season!

Well Mammoths, that’s a wrap! Thanks so much to all our amazing athletes, coaches, team leadership, parents, siblings, technicians, and volunteers near and far. We are so proud of everyone’s dedication, hard work, and we are thankful for the trust you put in our league this year.

To stay updated on the 2022 season if you are a new athlete considering joining our team, we suggest you follow our Facebook and Instagram accounts, or check the Schedule page of this site periodically. That will keep you in the loop as we get started on the new year.

If you are a returning athlete or family, our primary way of communicating with you will remain via TeamSnap and PitZone.

Be safe, have a great rest of your fall and winter, and see you in the spring of 2022!

2021 Practice starts this week!

Hello Mammoth herd! Summer 2021 practice will start this week (July 1st) for new athletes, then we skip July 5th due to the 4th of July holiday, and then regular full practices will begin July 8th! Here’s a quick reminder on start of season information:

  • Communications: TeamSnap is the primary way we’ll communicate all season long, from here on out. It is critical that everyone gets used to using that- we have over 100 athletes and it’s a lot of cats to herd! Remember to check in 24 hours ahead of time for every practice, and when in doubt on practice conditions (heat, smoke, other situations) check your email or app prior to getting in the car or throwing a leg over that bike.
  • Team Jerseys: The online team store will be open July 1 – July 11th 2021. You MUST order during that time if you need a jersey, there isn’t another ordering opportunity later in the season. Please see your TeamSnap email on July 1st for the site link, password, and ordering details.

Thanks, and see you on the trails!

2021 Registration

(ARCHIVE 2021- PLEASE REFER TO MORE RECENT INFORMATION) We are super excited for the 2021 Missoula Mammoths registration process! Please read carefully below, the process is new this year and we want it to go smoothly for everyone.

  • If you are a returning athlete and have already registered in the NICA PitZone in April 2021 and received a confirmation email from NICA, then you DO NOT need to fill out the registration form listed below. You are already confirmed and do not need to do this part of the process.
  • If you are registering a new athlete(s), Registration opened May 1 2021 at 9:00am for new athletes.
  • Update June 1st: All 2021 slots are full. If you registered via our Google Form and have not yet heard back from us, PLEASE reach out immediately via our Contact Us form so we can remedy any oversight. Thank you for all your interest!
  • (Archived information) The Registration link will take you to a short form that you must fill out once per new athlete. This form is the first step to register new athletes for the NICA Missoula Mammoths mountain biking team. Filling out the form does NOT guarantee a spot on the team; we will use the form to fill the full team roster first come first serve and then creating a waiting list as needed. Your new athlete(s) will not be considered fully registered until you have been notified that we have space on the team for them, and you have completed the registration link via email from PitZone.

If you have questions on this process, please Contact Us. Please note you cannot use the Contact Us link to register.

Getting Ready for 2021

We are getting ready for an amazing 2021 season!
The Missoula Mammoths 2021 season planning is well underway. For information on our general schedule, including registration, practice, and race details, please visit the Schedule Page. To be added to our mailing lists (where we share all the important stuff!) please sign up for our email.

If you had a student-athlete on the team during the 2020 season, please keep an eye on your email for information and invites from PitZone!

This website is used for general information about the team only- we will communicate all the day-to-day information via PitZone email and TeamSnap. This allows us to streamline communications and ensure all athletes and parents get the information they need in a timely fashion.

We hope to see you all soon on the trails!

2020 League-wide Races Cancelled

All Mammoth Riders and Families should have received this email in the “Single Track Times” on 7/28/2020 – we are posting it below for general reference.

Dear Montana League Friends and Families,

We hope you all have been enjoying the past month of the 2020 regular season team practices. We know we have seen a lot of big smiles and have heard some great feedback from the teams!

We wanted to fill you in on an update about the 2020 racing season. We have made the tough decision not to move forward with league-wide in-person events under the current restrictions. We are bummed to have made the call, but we have looked extensively into options and think it’s the right decision based on the unrealistic draw on volunteers for the two day events we came up with to meet health department restrictions, the lack of community focus and “what it’s all about” as a result of the restrictions, and the risk of exposure to Covid-19 to our student athletes, volunteers, and families. If the restrictions let up, we will revisit and most definitely pull together a race or two if we can. If that is the case, we will let you all know as soon as possible.

In lieu of having races on the calendar for now, our focus is going to be on the great team practices you all know and love, league-wide zoom calls with guest athletes, and a virtual challenge.

For the zoom calls, we have some pretty cool athletes lined up to chat with the kids. Marathon National Champion and Flathead local, Rose Grant; XC National Champion Chloe Woodruff; and skills guru and trials pro Ryan Leech. Each guest will have their own Zoom call scheduled where they have a chance to introduce themselves, talk about their career, suggest a skill for the kids to work on, and finish with q&a with the kids. Look for a schedule of calls and instructions for how to join to come.

As for the virtual challenge, we will do a week long points based challenge focusing on the adventure side of things. Kids will have the opportunity to earn points for everything from riding new-to-them trails, spotting and identifying wildflowers along the trail, riding in their wildest costumes, logging mileage, crushing vert, having positive interactions with other trail users, and more. We will have fun prizes, team competitions, and will share stories from riders throughout the league. This will go down in early September and we will share the details in the coming weeks.

We know it’s not the normal season that we all know and love, but we are looking forward to tying the state together virtually for now, and we can’t wait to introduce all of the new families to what NICA racing is all about whenever the time is right.


Sam and the MICL Team