
About Us

The Missoula Mammoths are the National Interscholastic Cycling Association (NICA) team for the Missoula Area.  We are part of the Montana NICA League. The Montana NICA league has joined 26 other states across the country who are part of NICA.

The Missoula Mammoths facilitate the development of high school and middle school riders for grades 6-12. We focus on improving fitness and riding skills within a fun and inclusive team environment. Our team has space for all kinds of riders from a beginner to advanced. We participate in the Montana NICA Race series where we compete as a team against other team across Montana. Our GRiT program, Girls Riding Together, supports female riders and coaches- learn more on our GRiT page.

Our coaches are all volunteers and generally parents of students in the program. NICA provides high-quality education, training, licensing, and insurance for our coaches and volunteers. NICA has very strict guidelines for the student to coach ratio (minimum of 2 coaches for every 8 students). The number of coaches we have available at practice will determine the number of students we can enroll in our program. Please consider volunteering to coach so we are able to meet the student demand for the program. Contact us here for more info!